ON THIS DAY: November 27, 2016

November 27th is


Bavarian Cream Pie Day





International CARE Day *

Pins and Needles Day *

National Statistics Day *


MORE! Fanny Kemble, Richard Strauss and Harvey Milk CLICK 



Canada – Toronto ON:international Flags
Japanese Canadian Winter Festival

China – Hong Kong:
Clockenflap Music & Art

Thailand – Loburi:
Hanuman Monkey Banquet


On This Day in HISTORY

1701 – Anders Celsius, inventor of the Celsius thermometer, is born in Sweden


1703 – The first Eddystone Lighthouse, at the border between Cornwall and Devon, is destroyed in the Great Storm of 1703 which began on the previous day, hitting England’s southern and central coasts

1743 – Handel’s Dettingen Te Deum debuts in the Chapel Royal of St James’s Palace, London before King George II

1779 – The College of Pennsylvania becomes the University of Pennsylvania, the first legally recognized university in America

1807 – The Portuguese Royal Family leaves Lisbon to escape from Napoleonic troops

1809 – Fanny Kemble is born, actress from a notable British theatrical family. She was courted on her first American tour (1834) by Pierce Mease Butler in Philadelphia, scion of a wealthy Southern plantation family. After their marriage, they spent the winter of 1838–39 on his Georgia plantations, where her horrified reaction to slavery, and Butler’s infidelities, led to their separation, and then a bitter divorce in 1849. Butler was given sole custody of their two daughters. The journal Kemble kept was circulated privately among abolitionists, but because Butler threatened to cut her off completely from their daughters, Kemble didn’t publish her Journal of a Residence on a Georgian Plantation until 1863, but the London edition of her Journal helped check recognition of the Confederacy by the British.


1810 – Theodore Hook bet his friend Samuel Beazley that he could transform any house in London into the most talked-about address in a week, which he achieved by sending out thousands of letters in the name of Mrs Tottenham, who lived at 54 Berners Street, requesting deliveries, visitors, and assistance. The house was besieged by chimney sweeps, delivery vans, doctors, lawyers, clergymen, even the Lord Mayor of London and the Duke of York, while traffic in the area became hopelessly snarled

1835 – James Pratt and John Smith are hanged in London, the last two people executed for sodomy in England

1839 – National Statistics Day * Boston MA, the American Statistical Association  founded

1868 – Battle of Washita River:  Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer leads a pre-dawn attack on a Cheyenne village on reservation land – another massacre

1889 – Curtis P. Brady is issued the first permit to drive an automobile through NYC’s Central Park

1895 – At the Swedish–Norwegian Club in Paris, Alfred Nobel signs his last will and testament, setting aside his estate to establish the Nobel Prize after he dies


1896 – Also sprach Zarathoustra by Richard Strauss debuts in Frankfurt Germany

1901 – The U.S. Army War College is established

1910 – New York’s Pennsylvania Station opens


1912 – Spain declares a protectorate over the north shore of Morocco

1924 – In New York City, the first Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade is held

1937 – Opening night of the ILGWU-produced play Pins and Needles on Broadway, (International Ladies Garment Workers Union) written by Harold Rome, which ran from 1937 to 1940, and was revived in 1978

1939 – Maxwell Anderson’s play Key Largo opens in New York

1945 – CARE (originally ‘Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe’) founded to send food relief to Europe after World War II – International CARE Day *

1954 – Alger Hiss is released from prison after serving 44 months for perjury

1963 – Strasbourg Patent Convention, a multilateral treaty on patent law, is signed

1965 – The Pentagon tells U.S. President Johnson it will need an increase from 120,000 to 400,000 troops in order to win the war in Vietnam

1967 – The Beatles’ Magical Mystery Tour album is released in the U.S.

1971 – The Soviet space program’s Mars 2 orbiter releases a descent module which malfunctions and crashes, but is the first man-made object to reach the surface of Mars

1973 –  U.S. Senate votes 92–3 to confirm Gerald Ford as Vice President to replace Spiro Agnew, who resigned because he faced tax fraud and bribery charges. The House confirms Ford 387–35 on December 6

1978 – In San Francisco, mayor George Moscone and openly gay city supervisor Harvey Milk are assassinated by former supervisor Dan White


1985 – The British House of Commons approve the Anglo-Irish accord giving Dublin a consulting role in the governing of British-ruled Northern Ireland

1991 – The UN Security Council adopts Security Council Resolution 721, to establish  peacekeeping operations in Yugoslavia

1999 – The Labour Party assumes the reins of New Zealand’s government, and Helen Clark becomes the first elected female Prime Minister in New Zealand’s history


2001 – The Hubble Space Telescope detects a hydrogen atmosphere on the extrasolar planet Osiris, the first known atmosphere on an extrasolar planet

2006 – The Canadian House of Commons approves a motion tabled by Prime Minister Stephen Harper recognizing the Québécois as a nation within Canada

2008 – The ocean liner Queen Elizabeth 2 (QE2) was taken out of service after more than 30 years

2015 – An armed anti-abortion extremist invades a Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado Springs, CO, shoots members of the Colorado Springs Police Department, fatally wounding one officer, kills two civilians, and wounds five other officers and four civilians. After five hours, SWAT teams crash vehicles into the Planned Parenthood lobby and the shooter surrenders


  • Chocolate Bavarian Cream Pie
  • CARE header
  • International flags
  • Anders Celsius and the Celsius thermometer
  • 1864 Republican pamphlet featuring excerpts from Kemble’s Journal
  • Alfred Nobel with quote expressing his qualms about Nobel Prize effectiveness
  • Pennsylvania Station, 1911 photo Geo. P Hall & Son
  • San Francisco Chronicle front page – Moscone-Milk killings
  • New Zealand’s first woman Prime Minister, Helen Clark


About wordcloud9

Nona Blyth Cloud has lived and worked in the Los Angeles area for over 50 years, spending much of that time commuting on the 405 Freeway. After Hollywood failed to appreciate her genius for acting and directing, she began a second career managing non-profits, from which she has retired. Nona has now resumed writing whatever comes into her head, instead of reports and pleas for funding. She lives in a small house overrun by books with her wonderful husband.
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